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    Wanaka 月升

    Roys Peak步道是新西兰最著名的短途徒步路线之一。从Wanaka小镇外出发,海拔爬升1200米,你将来到这绝佳景点,俯瞰Wanaka湖被众多雪山包围。由于路途较长,要想用一天时间拍到日出、出落和夜晚风光,在山顶露营是最佳选择。一入夜,一轮明月从山间升起,该是自拍的时候了。

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    摄于河北赤城县冰山梁景区。 追寻着夏季银河的脚步,我们来到距离北京200公里外的冰山梁,等待新月的上升。 凌晨4时许,一轮明月如约从银河中央升起,如同凝视天地的巨大之眼。此时晨光已至,天空开始泛蓝,远处的薄云被染成赤红的彩霞,装点了画面的色彩。

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    Lonely Planet


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    The Fishtail under the milky way. 2018.2 The Fishtail is a holy mountain in Nepal and was banned to climb by the local government. In the old legends, this mountain is the tail of a big fish, just as its looks. People who touches it may disturb the fish and cause a big earthquake as well as avalanches. Although it's a legend, this mount is truly difficult for climbing. #photography #photo...

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    1. 夏天的天天


      来自 中国星空摄影

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    零下四十度的守候,终于等到了极光的爆发,漫天星宇相称,极光仿佛天神的召唤,那最中央便是次世界之门。 摄于Fairbanks,Alaska. 索尼A7R2转接佳能8-15mm鱼眼镜头,四张拼接

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